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hi i wanna to get admin helper to help the players and ban the cheaters
Hey, Alina has just applied for Helper. We want to hear your opinion. What do you think?
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umm Daniel? the LinaMina Dosent have discord or something she has Instragram.
btw #contra it means #rejected you know why you got from the daniel right? well its because Daniel is Co Owner but idk why anyway he still mod
im not lying just, telling the truth. (you will get rejected if you dont stay the server LinaMina And stay afk the server so you dont have any problems)
i agree with night anyway. yea you need some 30 hours to stay in the server ortherwise Owner will verify your stats with time online and then he will reject you.
i Voted yes. but. u need more time. Good luck
Good luck
ok ayoub thanks for this no
helper cant ban :l
Skipe come at sv and give it to me
ok in 1 day i will wake up in 9 AM - 10 AM for 20k Ammo packs okay?
Thanks for ask
skipe i need at least 20k ammo for tag
because you need to wait to get Accept/Approved or Rejected/Refuse And then you need to use new tag for Admin Exemple: (Girl-Helper) idk whaterver
Anyway i have Tag (Contact+Mod+YT) Just like this
hey skipe u vote me yes so why i joined the game server and im not any helper?
SKipe you welcome my freind
Yea No problem anytime soon what you need And Thx to vote my Friend Named:
Silent Night for Instant UnBanning and Ayoub too cause he will be soon new Moderator :D
skippe thanks for this vote :D?
Ayyy hi LinaMina Sure ! you can be Admin for us!
+ Its your first admin like i know you are old admin but now you becoming new