post coordinates
Created at 9 months ago
Replies 1 in total
Time online 1.45 hours
Posted 9 months ago
Moderator app
Nickname: -=Good=-
Vârstă: 14.5
Experiență în joc: Joc CS 1.6 de vreo 8 ani buni
Timp disponibil: Aproape toata ziua in weekend (8-11 ore), iar mai rar in zilele normale (3-8 ore)
Motivație: In opinia mea orice server ar trebuii sa aiba staff activi, si cum am uneori mult timp liber as putea fi un "paznic" al serverului
Experiență: Am fost admin si pe alte servere si stiu comenzile standard
Contact: RavemEGM#6659 (Discord)
Nickname: -=Good=-
Age: 14.5
Game Experience: I've been playing CS 1.6 for about 8 good years
Available time: Almost all day on weekends (8-11 hours), and less often on normal days (3-8 hours)
Motivation: In my opinion, any server should have active staff, and as I sometimes have a lot of free time, I could be a "bodyguard" of the server
Experience: I was an admin on other servers and I know the standard commands
Contact: RavemEGM#6659 (Discord)
Hey, -=Good=- has just applied for Moderator. We want to hear your opinion. What do you think?
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Posted 9 months ago
This post was marked as approved by meNe on Tue, May 21, 2024 7:48 AM (UTC).
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I have generated an auto-reply to provide you with additional information. For any other questions, fell free to open a support ticket.