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Created at 2 years ago
Replies 2 in total
Culprit BestFriends
Remove admin
Posted 2 years ago
Reclamatie BestFriends

Acest jucator nu-si ia rolul de admin in serios... nu se ocupa de absolut nimic, sta tot timpul si se joaca. Pe langa asta mai si schimba mape dupa bunul plac, fara sa anunte, fara sa puna oamenii sa voteze. Consider ca ocupa un loc in staff.

Hey, do you think BestFriends should get the 'Remove admin' punishment? We want to hear your opinion.

Published comments

Posted 2 years ago
This post was marked as approved by meNe on Wed, Nov 24, 2021 8:46 PM.

I have generated an auto-reply to provide you with additional information. For any other questions, fell free to open a support ticket.
Posted 2 years ago


  • Pentru a lua in considerare ceea ce spui tu, trebuie sa aduci si niste screenshot-uri

  • In trecut chiar si eu am avut probleme cu dansul, insa s-a ajuns la remove.

  • Se joaca, am observat ca evita sa-si faca activitatea de admin (gag, retrieve, acolo unde este cazul)

Propun direct,


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